How to Catch Moltres Again in Pokemon Fire Red

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In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the three legendary birds are Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Find Articuno, the ice-type bird, deep inside the Seafoam Islands off of Road xx. Take hold of Zapdos, the electrical bird, at the Power Plant downriver from the Stone Tunnel entrance. Wait for Moltres, the fire bird, at the top of Mt. Ember, on 1 Island. These are powerful wild Pokémon, and then brand sure to bring at least one Ultra Ball![1]

  1. ane

    Find Articuno in the Seafoam Islands. Articuno is the ice-type legendary bird. It is the most powerful of the iii birds. Wing to Fuchsia City and surf down Route 19, then surf left down Route 20 to the Seafoam Islands. Enter the island. You will need to navigate through a maze of ice and rapids to become to Articuno.[ii]

    • You will need Pokémon with Strength and Surf to reach Articuno. There is a complicated stone-moving puzzle forth the way![3]
  2. 2

    Be prepared. Bring a few repels to go on wild Pokémon abroad. Make certain that you have at to the lowest degree 30 Ultra Balls – Articuno may be the weakest of the three birds, but information technology is yet a very stiff Pokémon. If you run out of Ultra Balls in the midst of the boxing, and so you might not be able to catch Articuno!

    • Save earlier the battle. Once you find Articuno, make sure that you lot save before you lot attempt to take hold of it. This way, you can effort again if you mess up.


  3. 3

    Consider bringing a Seel or Dewgong in your party. Seel and Dewgong accept 1/8 damage from ice moves, and Water ice Beam is Articuno's merely attacking move. Effort to catch a Seel in the cave on your way to Articuno.

    • Give the Seel or Dewgong the Leftovers item to make the battle even easier. When held by a Pokémon, Leftovers brand that Pokémon gradually recover HP throughout a battle. Discover Leftovers on Routes 12 and 16, hidden underneath where the Snorlaxes were sleeping.[4]
  4. 4

    Catch Articuno. The most successful manner to catch this bird is to get its health into the red, then give it a status condition. Freeze and Sleep are best. Withal, Paralyze may be the easiest since it doesn't article of clothing off. Go along throwing Ultra Balls until you get it – and make sure non to injure the bird then much that it faints before you can catch it!

    • Avoid status conditions like Poison and Burn that gradually injure the afflicted Pokémon. These are risky: you'll run the chance of killing the Articuno before you can catch it.


  1. one

    Observe Zapdos at the Power Establish. Zapdos is the second hardest bird to catch, but it is not that easy to get to.[5] Once you obtain the HM Surf from the Safari Zone, wing to the Rock Tunnel archway and walk up to the grass patch, get through the open debate and surf down the river to the Power Plant. Enter the Power Plant, and go on counterclockwise through the building to reach Zapdos.

    • Y'all'll know you've institute Zapdos when y'all see a bird Pokémon standing in your path, outside of the battle screen.
  2. 2

    Set for a fight. Exist sure to buy at least 35 Ultra Assurance – and consider using the Primary Ball, if you lot want Zapdos more than anything. Bring a couple of repels with you to ease your style through the Power Institute – you'll meet a lot of strong electrical-blazon Pokémon.

  3. 3

    Bring a Pokémon that resists Drill Peck. This is the just attacking move that Zapdos uses, so a resistant Pokémon on your squad will make the fight much easier. Geodude and Graveler are perfect for this: they resist all Flying moves, they take high defenses, and they are immune to Thunder Moving ridge. Avoid using this Pokémon as you wind your fashion through the Power Plant – relieve information technology for Zapdos!

    • Give your Pokémon Leftovers to hold so that they heal throughout the battle.
    • Accept Geodude or Graveler use Defense Curl several times. This volition heave its defence force even more.
  4. four

    Catch Zapdos. This fight will be a struggle, only you tin practise it! Once you find the legendary bird, make sure to save earlier you appoint information technology. In the fight, bring the bird's health into red, and so inflict it with a weakening status condition like Sleep, Paralyze, or Freeze. In one case the bird is weak, keep throwing Ultra Balls until yous take hold of it!

    • Save after the battle. You lot don't want your hard work to be lost!


  1. 1

    Notice Moltres at the top of Mt. Ember. Moltres is the easiest bird to take hold of, but information technology takes a long time to get to it, and there are many obstacles along the way. Get-go, make certain that you beat out the 7th Gym, on Cinnabar Island, and become the Tri-Pass from Beak. Find your manner to 1 Isle (in the Sevii Islands), and get all the style to the top of Mt. Ember. In gild to pass the obstacles along the way, you must bring Pokémon that know Surf, Strength, and Stone Smash.

    • Moltres is the but legendary bird whose location differs from the original Red and Blueish versions of the game. In Cerise and Blue, you tin can detect Moltres along Victory Road.[six]
    • Surf, Strength, and Rock Smash are HMs. You can only teach them to certain Pokémon. Learn how to get all the HMs if you don't have them already.
  2. 2

    Exist prepared. Make sure that you have at to the lowest degree 30 Ultra Balls. Too, bring a couple of Max Repels – the style to Moltres is long, and at that place are a lot of stiff Pokémon there.

  3. iii

    Bring forth a Pokémon with the Flash Fire ability. This makes your Pokémon immune to Moltres' only two attacking moves. It volition brand the boxing much easier – Moltres won't be able to hurt you at all![7]

    • Vulpix has Flash Fire, equally does Ponyta. You can catch a Ponyta right outside of Mt. Ember, where Moltres is found. It will take cipher harm from Moltres for the duration of the fight, so level and HP don't matter.
  4. 4

    Catch Moltres. Brand sure to save earlier the battle. The nigh successful fashion to catch this bird is to get its wellness into the red, then give it a status condition like Freeze, Slumber, or Paralyze. Once you take weakened Moltres, keep tossing Ultra Balls at the bird until it'south caught.


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  • Question

    How can we go to the Cinnabar Isle in Pokemon Leaf Green?

    Community Answer

    Go surf and get to pallet town, at the finish there will be a body of h2o, surf information technology and y'all will get there.

  • Question

    What can I practise if I used many balls only notwithstanding tin can't catch Zapdos?

    Natalie Tellechea

    Natalie Tellechea

    Top Answerer

    Weaken it, put it to sleep, and/or paralyze information technology.

  • Question

    Is information technology possible to take hold of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltress with a Pokeball?

    Bun bun

    Everything is able to exist caught with a Pokeball. It would simply be rare to catch a legendary in i.

  • Question

    What do I do if none of these techniques work?

    Community Answer

    Learn False Swipe, level up, inflict status, or just try over again and hope for the best. That'southward all you can do.

  • Question

    Is Articuno the strongest of the three birds, or the weakest? How can I become Articuno HP to ane with a Level 12 Butterfree?

    Community Answer

    Theoretically, Articuno is the strongest of all legendary birds. Yet, your Level 12 Butterfree might i shot if Articuno attacks with ice beam, which is super effective. Level information technology upwards a bit more or have a Pokemon learn imitation swipe and bring down the HP to 1 - then it'southward pretty easy.

  • Question

    What exercise I practice if I don't catch the legendary birds while fighting them?

    Community Answer

    Restart the game and try over again. I find that it is ordinarily good to restart if you haven't caught them within forty Pokeballs or so because one time they use all their moves, they will employ "struggle" and will impairment themselves to death.

  • Question

    Who is the most powerful, Zapdos, Moltress, or Articuno?

    Community Answer

    Zapdos is the strongest out of the legendary birds. Zapdos's electrical moves are potent and it tin can defeat the others hands.

  • Question

    What if I take paralyzed all the birds and gotten them down to i HP, but still can't catch them?

    Community Answer

    Yous should save earlier battling. Y'all could try to freeze or put them to sleep. Try using a dusk ball (it works better in caves) or timer ball (information technology works best later 20 turns), simply but if y'all can go them.

  • Question

    In X and Y, is it possible to get all 3 legendary birds without trading?

    Community Answer

    Yeah it is possible, they are at different locations though.

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  • Y'all'll need a few HMs to get to these Pokémon: Rock Smash, Force, and Surf.

  • Thunder Wave from Zapdos could paralyze your Pokémon. A Flamethrower from Moltres could crusade burn. An Water ice Axle from Articuno could freeze your Pokémon.

  • Don't be agape to use the Master Ball. Only brand sure you want this Pokémon more than whatsoever other!

  • If the bird dies earlier yous tin catch it: just turn off the power, turn it dorsum on, and effort once again. At that place was a reason for saving before yous fought them, y'all know!

  • It's very frustrating if you lot tin can't catch them the starting time fourth dimension – but you will catch them eventually! Information technology takes time and patience to catch them!

Cheers for submitting a tip for review!


  • Don't use attacks that poison or burn down a Pokémon. These moves can brand the legendary bird faint before you have the hazard to grab it!

  • Watch out for Zapdos's Thunderwave; it causes paralysis.

  • Lookout man out for Moltres'south Flamethrower; information technology may burn your Pokémon.

  • Watch out for Articuno'due south Ice Beam; it may freeze your Pokémon.

  • E'er save right before you claiming a legendary Pokémon. If you turn off the power because y'all were so frustrated, you'll lose everything that you didn't save! Also, saving gives you the chance to restart and endeavour again if yous fail to catch the bird on the starting time attempt. Make sure to save after yous catch each bird so that your hard piece of work isn't undone!

  • Using a Gameshark to cheat capturing a Pokémon is noticeable in competitions. Just do this if you don't intendance almost entering competitions.


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Article Summary X

i. Bring a Seel or Dewgong to Seafoam Islands.
ii. Catch Articuno by getting its wellness into the cherry-red and giving it a condition.
3. Become to the Power Constitute with a Pokemon that resists Drill Peck.
4. Grab Zapdos by getting its health into the red and giving it a condition.
5. Go to the top of Mt. Ember with a Pokemon that has Flash Fire power.
6. Take hold of Multres past getting its health into the red and giving it a condition.

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