How to Make Black Vans Black Again

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If your Vans are looking rough effectually the edges, a little dearest is all they need to look make clean and fresh once more. This article volition walk you through the recommended mode to clean blackness Vans, including the canvas, laces, and condom soles. Nosotros'll too show you how to restore the black color on faded Vans and so your shoes await practically make new again!

  1. ane

    Remove the laces and set them aside. You'll be washing the laces by hand separately. Take them out and put them aside to concentrate on the shoes themselves. The shoelaces will non exist replaced until afterward they've been cleaned, and the shoes take been washed and polished.[ane]

  2. 2

    Knock off any excess dirt. Have your shoes exterior and knock them together a few times to remove any caked on mud. For stubborn mud, apply a dry brush with stiff bristles to get the mud off. You don't need to scrub at the dirty fabric, just get off the large hunks of clay and droppings earlier getting them wet.


  3. 3

    Mix a solution of mild detergent and lukewarm water. [ii] Cascade a small corporeality (just a quick clasp will piece of work) of mild dish detergent, such as Dawn, into a medium-sized bowl or shallow pan. Fill the bowl with lukewarm water. The soap should get sudsy; if it doesn't, use your fingers to swish the water and soap together until y'all get suds.[3]

  4. 4

    Scrub the surface vigorously with a stiff-bristled castor. Dip a stiff bristled castor into the cleaning solution, then begin scrubbing. Start at one cease of your shoe and methodically piece of work your mode to the other end, making certain to scrub all areas.[4]

    • Yous don't demand to get your shoes soaking wet, but get them wet enough to keep a soap worked upwards as you scrub.
  5. five

    Scrub the black rubber side strip around the shoe's perimeter. Many blackness Vans accept blackness rubber soles, making them piece of cake to get clean. If your rubber side strips are white, spend a picayune extra time scrubbing them until they await clean and brilliant white.

    • A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser tin can also help remove stubborn grime on rubber soles.[5]
  6. vi

    Rinse away the solution with a wet textile. Wet a clean textile with fresh water, then wring information technology out. Use the moisture cloth to wipe away the soap on your shoes. Rewet information technology, wring it out and keep wiping until yous've removed the soap completely.[6]

    • Don't use a soaking wet cloth and avoid drenching your shoes with water.
    • Let them dry for a few minutes before moving on to polishing them; however, it's fine to polish them when they are slightly damp.


  1. i

    Cover the red Vans tag on the heel of your shoes with masking record. Both shoes have a minor red Vans logo tag on the heel. These tags are located on the prophylactic strip, not the shoe fabric. Tear 2 small tag-sized pieces of masking tape off the roll. Stick them over the scarlet tags, covering them completely.

    • Nearly people prefer to preserve the original look of the tags, and then they need to exist protected against the black shoe polish.
  2. ii

    Dab a small amount of liquid black shoe polish onto ane shoe. When y'all remove the cap, you'll run across a sponge applicator on the end. Plow the canteen upside down over your shoe and squeeze a dollop of shoe polish directly onto the fabric of your shoe.[7]

    • You can get this kind of shoe polish at whatever shoe store, as well as grocery stores and big box stores.
    • Start with i shoe and complete the process before moving on to the next ane.
  3. three

    Use the sponge applicator to spread the polish. Move your hand quickly back and forth, spreading the small corporeality of smoothen on ane area of the shoe until the polish soaks in. You don't need to push the applicator hard against your shoe. Proceed your grip loose and then y'all tin can piece of work the polish over the surface speedily.[8]

    • You'll run into the black polish immediately brainstorm to renew the color of the fabric.
  4. four

    Work quickly and use small amounts of smooth. Continue to squeeze small-scale amounts of smoothen onto the shoe and use the aforementioned quick dorsum and forth motions to comprehend the entire surface. Avoid adding more than polish until the get-go application has soaked in. Work quickly so you lot tin can spread the polish evenly, before information technology seeps deeply into one spot and over-saturates the fabric.

    • The surface of the shoe should non look soaked in smoothen. Don't exit whatever polish pooled on the surface of the shoe.
    • Give scuff marks and faded areas boosted attention as needed.
  5. v

    Apply the polish to the black rubber strips on the side. Once yous've completely covered the cloth, utilize the aforementioned procedure to renew the black rubber along the sides of your shoes. Apply a small amount of smooth and work it speedily around the perimeter. The rubber volition immediately look refreshed.[ix]

    • Don't forget to smoothen the black plastic rings around the lace holes. The tiny make tag near the lace holes should be avoided, unless you don't heed covering up the Vans logo.
    • Some black vans have white rubber side strips. If yours don't have blackness condom soles, you can omit this part.
  6. six

    Audit the shoe closely and add more smoothen where needed. The black smooth should bring the whole shoe to a consistent color. Check your shoe for uneven application or remaining visible scuff marks or stains. Be sure to go into whatever crevices you may take missed.

  7. 7

    Dampen a clean cloth and buff the surface of the shoe. Run a clean cotton cloth under the tap. Wring information technology out. Brush it lightly over the shoe'due south surface, buffing the smoothen into the fabric and rubber completely. If yous notice any areas pooling with backlog polish, dab and buff until the shoe's surface looks compatible. Your shoe should look shiny, renewed and slightly wet.[10]

  8. 8

    Move on to the adjacent shoe and repeat the process. Work on one shoe at a time. Once y'all're satisfied with the manner the first 1 looks, prepare it aside and work on the adjacent shoe. Echo the same procedure of quickly spreading the blackness smooth over the entire surface of your shoe, including the black rubber side strips.

  9. 9

    Allow the smooth to dry for 15 minutes. Fix your shoes aside to dry while you motion on to cleaning the laces. Smooth usually takes around fifteen minutes to dry completely. If you used a lot of polish, it may have a little longer. Make sure they feel dry to the touch before wearing your shoes.

    • Peel the masking tape off the heels in one case the shoes are dry to the touch.


  1. i

    Mix up a fresh batch of cleaning solution in a bowl. Dump the used solution out and commencement over with another squirt of mild lather and lukewarm water. Fill up the bowl with plenty h2o to completely submerge your laces. Brand sure the soap and water contain thoroughly. The solution should look sudsy.

  2. 2

    Drib both laces into the bowl. Submerge them completely in the solution. Allow them to soak for a few minutes, which volition loosen up any embedded dirt or stains. Apply the terminate of an old toothbrush or your finger to lightly agitate the laces in the solution for a little extra cleaning power.[11]

  3. 3

    Scrub the laces with an old toothbrush. [12] Pull ane lace out of the bowl and squeeze the excess h2o out of it. Starting at one end, scrub the lace vigorously, concentrating on whatsoever stained areas. Work your manner to the opposite stop. Flip the lace over and exercise the other side. And then move on to the second lace and repeat the same actions.[13]

  4. four

    Lay the laces out apartment to dry. Put them on a clean dry cloth or a few paper towels and requite them a few hours to air dry completely.[14] Once they no longer feel damp to the touch on, lace your shoes back up and wear them every bit usual. The polish should be long dry at this point, only it wouldn't hurt to brush your fingers over the surface of your shoes to brand sure.


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  • Question

    How can I clean the rubber soles on my Vans?

    Marc Sigal

    Marc Sigal is the Founder of ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe intendance service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox places custom-designed, contraction-resistant lockers in luxury apartment buildings, class A office buildings, shopping centers, and other convenient locations so you can selection up and drop off items 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Marc has a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Marc Sigal

    Shoe Care Specialist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    What's the all-time cleaning solution for canvas shoes?

    Marc Sigal

    Marc Sigal is the Founder of ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe care service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox places custom-designed, wrinkle-resistant lockers in luxury apartment buildings, grade A role buildings, shopping centers, and other convenient locations and then you tin can option upwardly and drop off items 24 hours a day, seven days a calendar week. Marc has a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Marc Sigal

    Shoe Care Specialist

    Skilful Respond

  • Question

    How can I quickly dry my shoes after cleaning them?

    Marc Sigal

    Marc Sigal is the Founder of ButlerBox, a dry cleaning and shoe care service based in Los Angeles, California. ButlerBox places custom-designed, wrinkle-resistant lockers in luxury apartment buildings, class A office buildings, shopping centers, and other convenient locations then you lot tin pick up and drib off items 24 hours a twenty-four hours, seven days a week. Marc has a BA in Global and International Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Marc Sigal

    Shoe Care Specialist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    Can I use boot polish on my blackness Vans?

    Community Answer

    No. Shoe or boot smoothen is non intended for use on canvas. The Vans shown in the tutorial are canvas, and a textile polish should be used, according to the color of the shoe.

  • Question

    Will evidently water cause the color to fade on my Vans?

    Community Answer

    No, it won't.

  • Question

    If my shoes go wet, will the blackness shoe polish run?

    Community Answer

    The shoe shine has a trend to dry quickly, then there's no chance of it running.

  • Question

    Does the black smoothen spread when wet?

    Community Answer

    It may spread if information technology is thin, but probable will non spread if it is thicker.

  • Question

    How practice I get brown stains out of my black Vans?

    Community Answer

    Utilise the same method. A work colleague spilled mustard on my shoe, leaving a brilliant yellow stain. It came off the first try using this, which surprised me. This method should piece of work on pretty much any colour stain.

  • Question

    What type of shoe polish is that and where can I become it?

    Community Answer

    Any liquid shoe shine volition work, and you lot can get it almost anywhere, like Walmart, Target, Amazon, or pretty much any shoe store.

  • Question

    Does this work for other colors of Vans, like grey or pinkish?

    Community Answer

    I wouldn't suggest polishing them unless you can detect a very close color lucifer. Other than that, brand sure you become a scotch-guard/waterproof spray to aid prevent damage/discoloration.

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  • Some people as well find success washing their shoes in the washing machine and so letting them air dry out.[xv]

  • To help your shoes dry faster, stuff them with paper and exit them in a well-ventilated area.[16]


Things You'll Need

  • Mild dish soap
  • Potent bristled brush
  • Bowl
  • Clean cloth
  • Black shoe polish
  • One-time toothbrush

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Article Summary 10

To clean blackness Vans, start by removing the laces, which you'll wash by hand. Next, mix a little mild dish detergent with lukewarm water, dip a stiff bristled castor into the solution, and start scrubbing! Once you scrub the entire shoe with the cleaning mixture, rinse it away with clean cloth dipped in h2o. To restore the colour of your Van's, first cover the red tag on the heel of your shoes with masking tape. Then, dab some liquid blackness shoe polish onto your shoe and use the sponge applicator to spread the smoothen. To learn how to clean the laces, keep reading!

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